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MavMover Green Route Changes to Via

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Image of the bus that highlights the route is getting greener.Starting Monday, April 19, 2021, the MavMover Green "Shopping" shuttle will have a modified service.  Due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements, the bus occupancy has been limited to just nine passengers at a time. This very popular service was not able to keep up with the increasing student demand during the limited evening service hours.

As a result, Parking & Transportation is excited to continue our partnership with the City of Arlington and their public transportation provider, Via.  Students that register with Via using their "" email address will be able to receive up to four free trips to the shopping destinations per week, anytime during Via's regular service hours.  This means students don't have to wait until 6 pm to go buy groceries or visit Walmart (among many more destinations). UTA Parking & Transportation will cover the full fare if the current student's trip starts and ends within the current shopping service area.

Students wishing to ride together should request the same pick-up and drop-off destinations at the same time.  Via will then co-mingle the passengers based on their algorithm.  

This pilot program will remain in place until 8/20/21.

This marks the fifth partnership with Via and/or the City of Arlington to provide expanded transportation services to UTA students.

Going Green(er)

This modification to the vehicles not only expands the service hours, capacity, and availability for students, but it also provides for a more sustainable transportation service. Parking larger buses in exchange for ridesharing vehicles support the University's sustainability initiatives.

Other Free Rides for Students

In addition to the free shopping trips, current UTA students that register their UTA email address with Via can receive free trips on the RAPID self-driving campus and downtown shuttle.  These vehicles generally operate from 7:30 AM-7:00 PM weekdays, weather permitting.  

In addition, Via is offering UTA students free trips city-wide until 4/23/21.

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